2011年4月14日 星期四

Local performers to go naked to protest nuclear power

Taiwanese performers Lee Mi (李宓), left in the front row, and Tsao Cheng-hsueh (曹承學), right in the front row, are holding Lee's nude poster, during a press conference held yesterday in Taipei City to protest against the use of nuclear power in Taiwan.

TAIPEI--Two Taiwanese performers will stage a naked protest against the use of nuclear power in Taiwan later this month, hoping to raise awareness of the risks of the country's nuclear power plants in the wake of Japan's nuclear crisis.

Calling their campaign “Rather Nude than Nuke,” Lee Mi and Tsao Cheng-hsueh said they hope the protest can draw voices from different social circles to the anti-nuclear appeal.

The event will take place on the morning of April 25, but the organizers did not disclose the exact time and location.

Lee has experience protesting in the nude. In 2006 when she was a college student, she was one of a group of more than 20 people to launch the first naked protest against the construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant at Gongliao in New Taipei City.

A professional singer now, Lee said she hoped the duo's action would encourage greater public participation in support of the issue.

“We want our message to be clearly delivered through an aggressive campaign to conservative ethnic Chinese communities everywhere,” Lee said.

Ho Tsung-hsun, the former secretary-general of the Taiwan Environmental Protection Union and the leader of the campaign, urged the government to suspend all nuclear development immediately in the wake of the crisis at Japan's Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant following a massive tsunami and earthquake on March 11.

“If we choose to close our eyes and let history repeat itself, then when something similar happens next time it will be a farce rather than a tragedy, as Karl Marx suggested,” he said.

